LVGC Plant Sale 2024

Plant Sale 2024

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the Lynn Valley Garden Club Plant Sale on Saturday, May 11, 2024. We appreciated your support. Donations totalling $4,037.00  were approved  at the Annual General Meeting in November and were given to the following organisations:

The North Vancouver City Library (seed library)
The North Vancouver District Library (gardening books)
The North Shore Hospice (Lions Gate Garden)
The Wild Bird Trust (Maplewood Flats)
The YWCA rooftop food garden
Backpack Buddies
Earth Bites
Sharing Abundance
North Shore Neighbourhood House

LVGC Plant Sale 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the Lynn Valley Garden Club Plant Sale on May 13, 2023. We appreciated your support and donations in the amount of $4,300.00 from the proceeds of sale went to the following organizations:

2022 Donations

Thank you to everyone who attended the Lynn Valley Garden Club Plant Sale on May 21 and 22, 2022. We appreciated your support. Donations of $4600.00 from the proceeds of the 2022 Lynn Valley Garden Club sale went to the following organisations:




2021 Donations

LVGC was able to make donations adding up to $4000.00 from the proceeds of the 2021 Lynn Valley Garden Club sale.  The donations went to the following organisations:

The Edible Garden Education Project

Gerry’s Garden (near Loutet ‘farm) The caretakers of Gerry’s Garden are Howard Abel, Frank Mortona and Don Gagan. Gerry is still around and doing well – (102). They are planning to do a new planting under the weeping plum tree and the big willow tree as well as planting winter pansies in the formal circle bed.

DNV Public Library for horticulture and sustainable living books

The Sunset Butterflyway

Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair – to offer prize money for botany/sustainability/pollination/greentech projects.

NS Hospice Garden (Lions Gate Hospital) Patients can be wheeled out in their hospital beds to enjoy the garden. The money will go towards purchasing shrubs, mulch, soil, and bulbs.

Wild Bird Trust administrating for Maplewood Conservation Area  Fundraising project for 2021 is in part to create a native plant garden in the area just past the nursery toward Osprey point, this is in addition to an outdoor classroom, viewing area, etc. They also have an existing Butterfly garden on site designed to attract the Anise Swallowtail butterfly

YWCA Rooftop Garden  This year they grew 1600 pounds of food; helped provide food to the Downtown Eastside (in 2020 they provided 39,000 meals).